Created by Ryan McDermott / @ryansworks
Full stack web programmer.
JavaScript kiddie
Very timid C/C++ developer
Musician and music enthusiast.
I discovered new artists and artists' connections by clicking through related artists. Sounded like something that could be automated.
If you're not a fan of bacon, here's Hamm.
Golang seemed like a good solution.
It's also pretty hip and all over Hacker News, so that's pretty cool.
Spotifind is an app that connects artists by a chain of related artists using Spotify's API and Goroutines to "thread" requests.
Spotifind uses a worker/work queue concurrency pattern to distribute API requests to Spotify and speed up performance.
// Simple structure to hold a reference to an artist.
type WorkRequest struct {
Artist *Artist
Visited *VisitedArtists
// A buffered channel that we can send work requests on.
var WorkQueue = make(chan WorkRequest, 100)
var WorkerQueue chan chan WorkRequest
type Worker struct {
ID int
Work chan WorkRequest
WorkerQueue chan chan WorkRequest
func StartDispatcher(nworkers int) {
WorkerQueue = make(chan chan WorkRequest, nworkers)
for i := 0; i < nworkers; i++ {
fmt.Println("Starting worker", i+1)
worker := NewWorker(i+1, WorkerQueue)
go func() {
for {
select {
case work := <-WorkQueue:
go func() {
worker := <-WorkerQueue
worker <- work
func NewWorker(id int, workerQueue chan chan WorkRequest) Worker {
worker := Worker{
ID: id,
Work: make(chan WorkRequest),
WorkerQueue: workerQueue,
return worker
var GlobalQuitChan = make(chan Artist)
func (w Worker) Start() {
go func() {
for {
w.WorkerQueue <- w.Work
select {
case work := <-w.Work:
fmt.Printf("worker %d: %s\n", w.ID, work.Artist.Name)
FindRelatedArtists(work.Artist, work.Visited)
case <-GlobalQuitChan:
fmt.Printf("worker %d stopping\n", w.ID)
type Artist struct {
Name string
Id string
Parent *Artist
type Artists struct {
Href string
Items []Artist
type VisitedArtists struct {
Artists []Artist
Build a tree of related artists, back to the origin artist from the destination.
func WalkRelatedArtists(artist *Artist, tree []string) []string {
tree = append(tree, artist.Name)
if artist.Parent != nil {
tree = WalkRelatedArtists(artist.Parent, tree)
return tree
And yes, apparently Kevin Bacon is actually in Spotify!
We're tired of the bacon jokes, how did I feel about Golang?
Getting acquainted with Go required a bit of adjustment after having used C/C++. Declaring types to the right of variables names can be a bit mind altering at the beginning.
var jobs int
var hopes string
var cash [10]int
var treasuremap map[string]int
type StartupProcess struct {
startup bool
cashIn bool
sellOut bool
broDown bool
Almost as chaotic as learning to drive on the other side of the road, like Swedes had to start doing in 1967.
But the Swedes are happy now.
go get looks great from a semantic point of view, but just shoving everything into the GOPATH feels a little weird when you come from having the luxury of pip/virtualenv, npm, gem/rvm, etc.
It doesn't handle versioning problem well, but it does silo off dependencies to the package level
GOPATH := ${PWD}/vendor:${GOPATH}
export GOPATH
vendor_get: vendor_clean
GOPATH=${PWD}/vendor go get -d -u -v \ \
vendor_update: vendor_get
rm -rf `find ./vendor/src -type d -name .git` \
&& rm -rf `find ./vendor/src -type d -name .hg` \
&& rm -rf `find ./vendor/src -type d -name .bzr` \
&& rm -rf `find ./vendor/src -type d -name .svn`
I expected some similar functionality between slices and maps, but that's not the case.
Delete from map
delete(m, k) // remove element m[k] from map m
Delete from slice
a = append(a[:i], a[i+1:]...)
“By convention, packages are given lower case, single-word names; there should be no need for underscores or mixedCaps.”
But why?
Only cats like strange packages
if err != nil {
This kind of code is everywhere. Because of Golang's lack of exceptions it seems to crop up a lot. Defer, panic, and recover provide some ways around it but maybe Golang needs exceptions, then again I could be wrong!
Coming from GCC, you are used to -Wall, but probably not of completely having the compiler halt on unused variables!
All of this can come across as pedantic, if you're like me and spend all your days in a dynamic language.
Sometimes it's nice to play fast and loose, but in the end Go's strictness saves you from yourself.
Out of this strictness, does come a lot of goodness. One of those things that I love is a formatter being built in with the language: go fmt. No more of these kinds of interactions:
Object composition
Go is the future of systems software. Where bigger beasts roamed, Golang takes over by being nimble, powerful, and fun. The prior solutions were too big and massive, and now feel almost inappropriate in comparison to Go. Just look at a keyword comparison between C++ and Go →
Any questions?